Pentecostals and charismatics: which contribution to protestantism and christianity? [243-273]
After recognizing the numerical impact of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements on the historical Protestantism and the worldwide Christianity, this note examines the theological and spiritual roots of these movements in relation to the radical reform and to the evangelical movements of renewal.Then, it presents some of the cornerstones of the Christian thought and practice […]
Imaging God today. A style for being Christian in the time of the new evangelization [227-241]
In the cultural background which is called post-modernity, there is a general difficulty about mediating faith and about proposing the announcement of the gospel in accordance with the human way of living. In fact, although not hostile, today’s culture is characterized by a sort of ambivalence which tends to highlight the differences, the subjective points […]
Saint Francis de Sales: the spiritual direction at the service of the construction of the Christian identity [201-226]
Francis de Sales could not intend any spiritual relationship without some reciprocity, without communication, without “friendship”. Accordingly, he has never been the spiritual director of any souls without becoming their fellow-traveler for some while. This does not mean he gave up his authority as a bishop, a confessor or a spiritual director. Rather, he carried […]
The construction of the personal identity between nature and culture. Some anthropological considerations [183-200]
The article deals with the problem of the construction of the personal identity showing how the human subject – “being-in –the-world” as an “open identity” – becomes himself when through a decision taken by his own freedom (that expresses itself in the passive/active opening of one’s feelings, one’s actions and one’s knowledge to the reality […]
The Holy Spirit in the trinitarian reflection of the second and third century [165-181]
The article is a very concise analysis where the author, after noting the sharp dichotomy existing between the lex orandi and the lex credenda in the life of the early Christian community, shows the way that between the second and the third century led the early thinkers to affirm the personal and relational identity of […]
Medieval exegetics and ancient canon law. Tracks for research [141-164]
The article intends to highlight the biblical foundations of the ancient canon law, showing how the legal system of the Church in the Middle Ages was based and developed on a complex list of interpretative acts which had the sacred Scriptures as their subject.In the first place it shows how the biblical interpretation, in addition […]
Roots and perspectives of the social magisterium with reference to Caritas in veritate [111-139]
The world and its crises are holding the attention of everyone, including the faithful of the catholic Church who have the social doctrine – where Gospel blends in real life – as a point of reference that cannot be ignored as far as social, political and economic issues are concerned. The article makes a critical reading […]
Against God, without God, in memory of God. A glance to some new contemporary forms of atheism [75-109]
Not a few observers agree on the present time being marked by “two returns”: the return of religion and the return of atheism. This contribution deals with the latter, considering not only the form it takes in the so called “New Atheism”, which has been given excessive media coverage compared to its scientific relevance, but […]
Religions between violence and fear. Ten years after September 11, 2001. Second part [49-73]
The attack of September 11, 2001 drew the attention of the public opinion all over the world to the development of many religious movements defending and reviving the sacral identity, that is being challenged by modern secularism. This process reveals today’s weakness of religions that are afraid of being politically marginalized and culturally irrelevant.A new […]
Pastoral ministry: the doctrine of the council of Trent and of the Second Vatican Council and their “reception” in the Cathechismus ad Parochos and the Catechism of the universal Church [7-48]
This text presents the doctrine on the ordained ministry as expressed by the council of Trent and by the Second Vatican Council, trying to study them within the living Tradition and within the “reception” that, in the Church guided by the Spirit, means acceptance and renewal.The specific aim of the article is establishing the “faithfulness” […]